District Governor Dr. Ezora Proctor Visits Thibodaux Rotary Club
District 6200 Governor (second from left), Dr. Ezora Proctor visited the Thibodaux Rotary Club on Tuesday, August 7. During her presentation to the club, she recognized individuals for 40 or more years of service to Thibodaux Rotary. From left is club president, Sandy Holloway congratulating the service medal recipients: Cam Frost, Dr. Donald Ayo, Mike Gauthier, Harold Block, Bob Blair, Dr. James Peltier, Charles Shaver, Al Badeaux, Dr. Proctor, and her husband, the Reverend Dr. James Proctor, honored but not included in the photo was C. Lindy Hofman
Dr. Proctor discussed her goals for District 6200 during her term as Governor for 2014 – 2015:
- Each club increases its membership by 10% or more before March 5, 2015
- Each Rotarian donates $100 or more to the Rotary Foundation
- Each Club becomes an active participant in District 6200 Governor’s Spouse Literacy Nutrition Project for second graders in local community schools
- Each club strives to achieve the Presidential Citation by April 1, 2015
- Each Rotarian donates $13.00 or more to eradicate polio
- District 6200 publishes a monthly newsletter and a pictorial history book
- District 6200 uses social media as a means of communication, publicity, and enhancement of public image
- Every Rotarian attends and supports local club, district and zone activities to enhance quality growth an ddevelopment
- Rotarians who have been members for 4o or more years will be honored during the Governor’s official visit to local clubs
Camp RYLA – Tim McNabb
Tim McNabb was the guest speaker at Rotary on July 29. He has been the lead counselor for the District 6200 RYLA program for the past seven years. Tim is the owner of Pinnacle Computer Services, Inc., has been an active member of Rotary for fifteen years, and is a past president of the Houma Rotary Club and a past assistant District Governor for District 6200.
RYLA is an acronym for “Rotary Youth Leadership Awards” which is a leadership development program for Sophmores, Juniors and Seniors in high school that District 6200 hosts at Lake Fausse Point State Park in St Martinville. The four day camp includes presentations, activities, and workshops that cover a variety of topics such as leadership fundamentals and ethics, communication skills, problem solving and conflict management, and community and global citizenship.
Fifty eight campers from District 6200 attended the June 2014 RYLA camp, of which four participants were sponsored by our own club. Each participant completes a questionnaire to place them in one of four categories based on personality. With those results, each participant is assigned a primary and secondary personality type and assigned to a group. As a group, campers participate in team building excercises focusing on the ability of individuals with various personalities to interact together to achieve a common goal centering on the concept that team competition builds better leadership.
Camp RYLA program was June 12-15. Location was Lake Fosse Point State Park. District 6200 puts on the event. Our club sponsored four students. Two attended our Tuesday meeting. Emma Bourgeois, daughter of club member Ron Bourgeois won the speak off competition at camp. She was able to deliver her talk to our club as well. She will be entering her junior year at EDW. Chloe Collins, a senior at EDW also attended the meeting. She commented on the value of attending the camp and how much she got from it. Her personality characteristic was Gold, which she felt was right up her comfort level. Both thanked the club for sending them. They both thought that a big part of the learning process was working together as a team. Other students who attended the camp were Molly Delatte, a senior at THS and Lauren Bergeron, a senior at EDW. They will carry this leadership training into their futures as role models for their generation. By Steve Landry
Thibodaux Rotary Youth Clubs
Thibodaux Rotary Club sponsors: two Earlyact Clubs, St. Charles Elementary School and Bayou Community Academy Charter School; one Youthact Club, East Thibodaux Elementary School;
and one Interact Club, Thibodaux High School.
Through Earlyact, Youthact and Interact students learn to take responsibility for real-life problems and realize the significant impact of their involvement. Members are taught leadership and learn service responsibility in their community, state, country and internationally. Our Ladder of Service shows how a young individual can make a difference.
You Could Be The WINNER!
You Could Win A Lifetime Membership!
The Thibodaux Rotary Club is auctioning off – 1 Exclusive Lifetime Membership to the new Bayou Country Children’s Museum. You could be the winner!
Click here to go to Thibodaux Rotary Club Facebook page and look for the Auction Post.
This Exclusive Lifetime Membership Provides…
- lifetime access to the museum for one person
- discounts in the gift shop
- and the ability to book the party rooms – right in the museum for events
But you’re not getting just a membership. All proceeds from the auction will be donated to BCCM.
The auction is now officially on… Click here to go to Thibodaux Rotary Club Facebook page and look for the Auction Post.
To place your bid in, just use the comment section below this post. Check back often to see how your bid is holding up. Feel free to bid as many times as you would like.
The Opening Bid, provided by Beau Brooks is $400.00!
What a great gift to give someone! But hurry…the auction ends 5PM, October 15th. The winner will be announced that evening.
Here’s your chance to contribute to the areas premiere children’s museum and win an exclusive Lifetime Membership. YOU COULD BE THE WINNER! Click here to go to Thibodaux Rotary Club Facebook page and look for the Auction Post.
Thibodaux Rotary Club Enters The Social Media Era!
To better accommodate our membership and those interested in the Thibodaux Rotary Club, we are expanding into the social media realm. Granted, we may be going kicking and screaming, but we are going. And it only makes sense.
We live in a visual world where there is constant competition for viewers and for the viewers, competition for the programs that get their attention. Service organizations, like Rotary, recognize that and as we have always done, are adapting.
You’ll notice the icons on the right side bar under the title, “Follow Us.” All you have to do is simply click on either icon and be taken to either our YouTube channel, where you can see full presentation videos of some of our recent speakers. Or, you can “follow us” on Facebook, get the latest on the Thibodaux Rotary Club and hopefully, in the not to distant future, interact with other Rotarians from around the world.
Yes, the Thibodaux Rotary Club has moved into the social media era!
Thibodaux Rotary Club – 2011-2012 Board of Directors
Badi swears in the officers and board: l-r Jennifer Ledet – President Elect, Maxine Minton – Secretary Treasurer and Board Members Gary Palmer, Sandy Holloway, Craig Hebert, John Shaver and Bryce Ledet.
Members of the Thibodaux Rotary Club Receive Gifts
From The Club and President John Shaver For Their Help With Club Projects
2011 Installation Banquet – Rotarian Of The Year
John awards Robert Naquin with the Rotarian of the Year plague. Robert earned the award for his dedication to Rotary and his 25 year commitment to cooking at the Annual District Conference. Thank you Robert for that dedication.
Left; John Dupont was awarded for the Program of the Year by Sandy, but was found sleeping while standing up.
Right; Jennifer Ledet awards Craig Stanga (Sgt-at-Arms) for 40 years Perfect Attendance. Makes you want to have perfect attendance.
Thibodaux Rotary Club – 2011 Installation Banquet
On June 28 at the Envie Restaurant the Rotary Club of Thibodaux installed a new President. Here John Shaver is turning over the gavel to Badi Asrabadi. John thanked Rotary for the opportunity to serve the club and the community.
Badi spoke of the privilege to serve as President for 2011-2012. He has many goals for the year and asked for help from all of the members of the Thibodaux Rotary Club. Together we can accomplish much.
President Badi is sworn in by fellow Rotary Club Member, Louisiana Supreme Court Associate Justice John L. Weimer