Dr. Jim Barnidge – History Of The Catholic Papacy – Thibodaux Rotary Club
March 12, 2013
By: Jamie Gros
On March 12th, 2013 Dr. Jim Barnidge spoke to Thibodaux’s Rotary Club on the history of the Catholic Papacy.
Barnidge is a retired history professor from Nicholls State and has spoken to our Rotary club in the past. In fact he was voted speaker of the year for his wealth of knowledge of the crisis in the Middle East. He is also known for attending Europe trips with students and community members for 40 years now.
Given the Catholic Church is going through a change in the Papacy, Barnidge greeted the rotary club with a brief, but entertaining knowledge of the History of the Roman Catholic Church.
Jesus Christ, only taught his teachings, which the Catholic Church is based on for three years. The teachings of Christ were not put onto paper until 3o years after Christ was dead.
It was repeated by word of mouth at first. He set the foundation for his disciples to spread the Word, one of his main disciples Peter is known to have start the church. He actually started churches in several other areas before coming to the main city Rome, where his is ultimately crucified
Peter is not actually crucified in the coliseum, where most events went on in this day and age, he is crucified in what is known as the Circus, which is what Nero the Roman emperor of the time called it. The circuses were literally graveyards, which is what is known today as THE VATICAN, which was the Roman god of the dead.
During this time in the church, before converting to Christianity Peter wanted an individual to become Jewish, it was not until Paul, who was not a Jew, who changed this for the church.
The church slowly developed, its followers waited and waited for the second coming of Christ before they realized the Church needed some organization. There were no real priest at first, but to take care of the needs of their follows they appointed deacons, to take care of the sick and needy.
They also needed someone to take care of correspondence, which was the presbyter, and then someone need to see over them, which were the bishop, above them were the arch bishop and so on and so forth.
The real popularity of Christianity did not start until around the year 300 A.D. Constantine and Maxentius went to war over the Roman Empire. One group of follows was for Maxentius, were sun god worshippers and the other side were followers of Christ; even Constantine was not a Christian himself.
Constantine wins the war and makes December 25th the birth of Christ to deemphasize the sun gods because this was on the winter solstice, the darkest day for these people by also igniting the Birth of the SUN or SON. In many churches today the Saints are depicted with a ray of light behind them or a halo. This was taken from the sun god worshippers.
Constantine saw all the fighting going on and he came up with the Nicene Council to declare the beliefs of Christianity, which is the Nicene Creed, which Catholics still use today in mass. Constantine remained a pagan his whole life until his deathbed, which then he converted to Christianity.
The Catholic Church has been plagued by controversy for years and years. The voting will be done by a group of 115 cardinals, however it can be more but a cardinal cannot vote over the age of 80. There is however, global in balance.
The Latin Church makes up42% of the church population with only 16% of the cardinals; Europe is 24% of the church population and 53% of the population of cardinals, where Africa is 15% of the church population and only 9% of the population of the cardinals.
There is a language barrier located in this it is population. It is very unlikely for a cardinal from the United States become pope. There are many front runners to become the Pope of the Catholic Church; however any adult male who is baptized in the Catholic Church can become pope. But this is very unlikely.
On March 13, 2013 The Roman Catholic Church announced a new pope, First pope from the “New World”, a Jesuit priest, a man of the poor. Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Pope Francis I! The new pope will replace Benedict XVI, whose surprise resignation last month prompted the 115 Roman Catholic cardinals to initiate a conclave, a Latin phrase meaning “with a key,” to pick a new leader for the world’s almost 2 billion Catholics.