Mandy and Shay Holloway-The Non-Profit Organization, Refuge 127

November 6, 2012

By: Amy Connor-Flores


Mandy and Shay Holloway-Thibodaux Rotary ClubOur guests on November 6th were Mandy and Shay Holloway, owners of Mandylens Photography and founders of the non-profit organization, Refuge 127.


Shay, the son of Skipper and Sandy Holloway, graduated from Thibodaux Christian Academy in 1996.  He attended NSU and received an undergraduate degree from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in Industrial Design in 2002. 


Mandy is the daughter of Tom and Ann Buisson.  She graduated from E.D. White in 1999 and received her undergraduate degree in Art from NSU in 2004.  The two have received acknowledgements for their work including the Bobby Jindal


Community Support Award in 2011 and have been named the Best Photographers in Lafourche Parish in 2011 and 2012.  Mandy and Shay have three children and two foster children.  Mandy is an active community volunteer and Shay leads Dave Ramsey classes which assist families and finances. 


They also volunteer photography services for children who are up for adoption in our area as well as those who have been diagnosed with cancer.


Mandy and Shay spoke to us about their organization, Refuge 127, on which they both serve as Board Members and Shay serves as Treasurer. 


Refuge 127 Ministries is a Christian-based organization located in Thibodaux that reaches out to local orphans and foster children of the Lafourche Parish Juvenile Justice Facility since 2009.  It’s name is inspired by the bible verse James 1:27 regarding visiting and helping to care for orphans. 


They provide skills training, bible studies, visitation resources and foster care for children that have been removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect, or the death of parents or guardians.  “127 Kids” is a program under Refuge 127 that links church families with children in the Juvenile Justice Facility and encourages them with notes, letters and treats that are delivered on Monday nights.


Prayers are said for each child and gifts are sent on birthdays and holidays to show the children that there is a family that loves and cares about them.  “Michael’s Home” is another portion of Refuge 127 that provides an alternative for individuals to transition from foster care to a safe home rather than having to return to the harmful environment that they came from.   Their goal is to break the generational cycle of poverty and help these individuals to become successful while allowing God to heal them. 


Refuge 127 is also making an impact in improving the quality of life for the impoverished people of Mbale, Uganda in Africa.  The city has over 1600 orphans.  The organization is currently helping to build the HOPE REFUGE SCHOOL, which will ultimately include 25 buildings for the housing of orphans, medical facilities, and classrooms. 


A water well was recently completed which provides clean water to over 5000 people.  The first four buildings on the grounds have been completed thanks to recent donations by Refuge 127, which inspired the naming of the school. 


Various fund raisers are organized to help with the expenses of Refuge 127 Ministries including the annual Tour of Homes, a semi-annual Zumba event called Zumba Love, and Grace Dolls, which Mandy is currently patenting. These adorable plush dolls will include a children’s book written to educate about orphans. 


For more information on the programs above visit or find them on Facebook.  


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