Mark S. Kearns – History and Mystery of Life – Thibodaux Rotary Club
December 18, 2012 Meeting
By: Kevin Gros
The ninth but not last installation of “Meet My Cousin” Series returned to Rotary on December 18, with Mark S. Kearns, M.A., N.H.D. (Energy Therapist & Life Enhancement Coach) presenting “History and the Meaning of Life”.
Mark was the 2010 Rotarian of the Year and operates the Breath of Life Natural Healing Center on Bayou Road. He was accompanied by his wife Meg and daughter Mary Katherine.
According to his cousin Craig, Mark is a descendant of the late 19th century American Pioneer, Jim Bowie. Aside from his professional accomplishments which are touched on below, Craig expounded on some of his personal achievements during his introduction, which in addition to many similarities with Jim Bowie, including living in a house that looks like the Alamo and cutting a lizard in half with a pocket knife, include establishing the Nicholls student radio station, being an avid base player and drummer, and earning a brown belt in karate.
Mark received his Doctor of Natural Health, NHD, from Clayton College of Natural Health in Alabama. He has his masters degree in counseling. Mark is also a certified master practitioner and trainer in NLP, and is a certified hypnotherapist. He is the developer of the Life Enhancement Process, a dynamic life strategy.
Dr. Kearns has co-authored an NLP practitioner and Master Practitioner manual and has authored manuals for, developed and taught The Power of Self, How to Gain Personal Power and keep It, and Forgiveness (the key to all healing) seminar series. For the past several years, in addition to maintaining a private practice, Mark has taught numerous instructional classes on hypnosis, NLP, relaxation training, linguistic cues and representational systems, life coaching and the techniques of EFT, BSFF and The Life Enhancement Process.
Mark began his presentation with a photograph of an ancient Mayan calendar and being the last speaker before the 2012 winter solstice noted that if things don’t work out he’ll be the final speaker for the Club. Alas the sun came up on December 22 and we are all here to ponder his words. Much has been made of “12/21/12”.
Not only is it the winter solstice, it’s the last date on the 2,600 year old Mayan calendar which many have predicted will be the apocalypse. Many cultures have predicted some sort of event on 12/21. Planetary alignment, collisions with comets, and the second coming of Christ have all been predicted by some and debunked by others. In any event all the hype of these apocalyptic events has caused many of us to ask the question “why am I here?”
To help him answer this question, Mark began his quest for an answer where many of us begin looking for information – the internet. Unfortunately when he Googled his name he found his obituary, in Miami! Aside from now knowing there is life after death, Mark continues his search for an answer.
For most of us reality is external. We react to events. Our brain interprets them and our egos distort them. We are like passengers in a car driven by others. What should we do? We must learn to no longer be the effect, rather be the cause. Be the director in our own “movie” of life. Understand the universe and how it works. Understand our desires and how they can be positive or negative. Have an appreciation for events around us. Thoughts are the formation of things to come.
Most of us go through many thoughtless routines in our lives without considering what we are really doing. We must understand we can take control or our thoughts. Consider miracles, the earth, planets and solar system or many other things not widely considered miracles. How did we go from “nothingness” to this? Understand there are miracles all around us and we are part of a larger world in which we are an active participant. These are profound words and good advice for all of us.
In closing, Mark left us with a few words from an ancient Egyptian inscription, “The greatest power in the universe is love”, an excellent thought to take with us into the Christmas season.
Thanks to Mark for an enlightening presentation. We all look forward to the next edition of “Meet my Cousin”!