August 14, 2012

By: Luci Sposito


Thibodaux Rotary Club -Glen Duncan, Business Development Director for Global Environmental Solutions, Inc.Glen Duncan, Business Development Director for Global Environmental Solutions, Inc. and co-creator of the new state flag, presented the history of the 200 year old flag and described the re-design process.


Duncan explained that Joseph Louviere, an eighth grade student from Vandebilt Catholic High School, researched the state flag and it was determined that there were multiple versions. Louviere persuaded legislators to more adequately outline requirements of the flag and in the 2006 legislative session, a bill was passed with specific requirements for the official state flag.


In 2008, Duncan asked Secretary of State, Jay Darden, to allow him to take on the task of redesign; believing that it was simply a matter of adding three drops of blood to the existing official flag. Unfortunately, Duncan not only encountered multiple versions of the flag and seal, he realized that an entirely new design was needed to accommodate the specifications.


He then contacted Curtis Van, a wildlife artist, to assist with the task and petitioned Secretary Darden to approve a complete re-design of the official flag.


In 2008, Duncan asked Secretary of State, Jay Darden, to allow him to take on the task of redesign; believing that it was simply a matter of adding three drops of blood to the existing official flag. Unfortunately, Duncan not only encountered multiple versions of the flag and seal, he realized that an entirely new design was needed to accommodate the specifications. He then contacted Curtis Van, a wildlife artist, to assist with the task and petitioned Secretary Darden to approve a complete re-design of the official flag.


In 2010, Duncan and Van unveiled the new official flag at the dual inaugurations of Lieutenant Governor, Jay Dardenne and Secretary of State, Tom Schedler. The new flag is of Louisiana’s state bird, the brown pelican (colored in white), tearing its breast to feed its young and includes three drops of blood. Union Justice Confidence appears on the scroll below the nest.


Thibodaux Rotary Club-Louisiana State Seal

The artwork for the official flag and seal can be obtained from the Secretary of State’s website (Top Tab: A-Z Index, Listing: Official Louisiana State Flag and Seal) and/or you can obtain information on where to purchase an official flag at



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